Yoga Teacher Training Course

200 Hours Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training in India
Vakratunda Maha-Kaaya
Surya-Kotti Samaprabha
Nirvighnam Kuru Me Deva
Sarva-Kaaryeshu Sarvadaa
Oh god with a curved trunk, and large body
Whose aura is like the light of crores of sun
Please make my entire work obstacle-free, forever
ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय
तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Om Asato Maa Sad-Gamaya
Tamaso Maa Jyotir-Gamaya
Mrtyor-Maa Amrtam Gamaya
Om Shanti Shanti Shaantih
Lead us from the unreal to the real
Lead us from darkness to light
Lead us from death to immortality
Aum peace, peace, peace!
ॐ सह ना -ववत
सह नौ भुनक्तु
सह वीर्यं करवावहै
तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु
मा विद्विषावहै
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः
Om Saha Nau- avtu
Saha Nau Bhunaktu
Saha Viiryam Karavaavahai
Tejasvi Nau-Adhiitam-Astu
Maa Vid Vissaavahai
Om Shanti Shaanti Shaantih
Aum! May He protect us both together
May He nourish us both together
May we work conjointly with great energy
May our study be vigorous and effective
May we not hate any
Aum! Let there be Peace in me!
peace in my environment!
peace in the forces that act on me!
ॐ शं नो मित्रः शं वरुणः
शं नो भवत्वर्यमा
शं नो इन्द्रो बृहस्पतिः
शं नो विष्णुरुरुक्रमः
नमो ब्रह्मणे । नमस्ते वायो
त्वमेव प्रत्यक्षं ब्रह्मासि
त्वामेव प्रत्यक्षं ब्रह्म वदिष्यामि
ॠतं वदिष्यामि । सत्यं वदिष्यामि
तन्मामवतु । तद्वक्तारमवतु
अवतु माम् । अवतु वक्तारम्
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः
Om Sham No Mitrah
Sham Varunnah
Sham No Bhavatv-Aryamaa
Sham No Indro Brhaspatih
Sham No Visnururukramah
Namo Brahmanne
Namaste Vaayo
Tvameva Pratyakssam Brahmaasi
Tvaameva Pratyakssam
Brahma Vadissyaami
Rrtam Vadissyaami
Satyam Vadissyaami
Avatu Maam
Avatu Vaktaaram
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
May Mitra be propitious with us
May Varuna be propitious with us
May the Honourable Aryama be Propitious with us
May Indra and Brihaspati be Propitious with us
May Vishnu with Long Strides be Propitious with us
Salutations to Brahman, salutations to Vayu
You Indeed are the visible Brahman
I proclaim,
You indeed are the visible Brahman,
I speak about the divine truth
I speak about the absolute truth
May That protect me
May that protect the preceptor
Protect me, protect the preceptor
Om Peace, Peace, Peace.
ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पुर्णमुदच्यते
पूर्णश्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥
Om Puurnnam - Adah
Puurnnam - Idam
Puurnnaat- Purnnam- Udacyate
Puurnmashya Puurnnam-Aadaaya
Puurnnam-Eva - Vashissyate
Om Shanti Shanti Shaantih
Aum! That is infinite, and this is infinite.
The infinite proceeds from the infinite.
taking the infinitude of the infinite,
It remains as the infinite alone.
Aum! Peace! Peace! Peace!
ॐ सर्वेशां स्वस्तिर्भवतु
सर्वेशां शान्तिर्भवतु
सर्वेशां पुर्णंभवतु
सर्वेशां मङ्गलंभवतु
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः
Om Sarveshaam Svastir-Bhavatu
Sarveshaam Shaantir-Bhavatu
Sarveshaam Purnnam-Bhavatu
Sarveshaam Mangalam-Bhavatu
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
May there be Well-Being in All
May there be Peace in All
May there be Fulfilment in All
May there be Auspiciousness in All
Om Peace! Peace! Peace!
ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु
मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत्
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः
Om Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah
Sarve Santu Nir-Aamayaah
Sarve Bhadraanni Pashyantu
Maa Kashcid-Duhkha-Bhaag-Bhavet
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
May all become happy May none fall ill
May all see auspiciousness everywhere
May none ever feel sorrow
Om Shanti Shanti Shaantih
ॐ द्यौः शान्तिरन्तरिक्षं शान्तिः
पृथिवी शान्तिरापः
शान्तिः वनस्पतयः
शान्तिर्ब्रह्म शान्तिः
सर्वं शान्तिः शान्तिरेव शान्तिः
सा मा शान्तिरेधि
ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः
Om Dyauh
Shaantih Prthivii
Shaantih Vanaspatayah
Shaantir-Brahma Shaantih
Sarvam Shaantih
Shaantireva Shaantih
Saa Maa Shaantir-Edhi
Om Shaantih Shaantih Shaantih
May peace radiate there in the whole sky
As well as in the vast ethereal space everywhere
May peace reign all over this earth
in water and in all herbs, trees, and creepers.
May peace flow over the whole universe.
May peace be in the Supreme Being Brahman.
And may there always exist in all peace and peace alone.
Aum peace, peace, and peace to us and all beings!
ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः
तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं ।
भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि
धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥
Om bhurbuvah suvah
tat savitur-varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.
Om, that, which Pervades the Bhu Loka
Bhuvar Loka and Suvar Loka
That Saviter which is the Most Adorable
On that Divine Radiance, we Meditate,
May that Enlighten Our Intellect
and Awaken our Spiritual Wisdom.
ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्
उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान् मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात्
Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mrityormukshiya Mamritat॥
We offer our worship to 3 eyed fragrant shiva
who enhances life by giving nourishment
affluence, and prosperity
May he liberate us from bondage and fear of death
As watermelon detaches itself from the vine on ripening
May he not let us turn away from immortality.
योगेन चित्तस्य पदेन वाचां
मलं शरीरस्य च वैद्यकेन
योऽपाकरोत्तमं प्रवरं मुनीनां
पतञ्जलिं प्राञ्जलिरानतोऽस्मि
Yogena Cittasya Padena Vaacaam
Malam Shariirasya Ca Vaidyakena
Yopaakarottamam Pravaram Muniinaam
Patan.jalim Praan.jalir-Aanatosmi
I bow down to him
who purifies the Mind by Yoga
who purifies Speech by Grammar
and who purifies the Body through Medicine
He who is an expert in removing the impurities
of the Body, Mind, and Speech
to that most excellent of Munis; Patanjali
I bow down with folded hands.
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु
र्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः
गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्मा
तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः
GururBrahma GururVishnu
GururDevo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma
Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha
Guru is the Creator
Guru is the Preserver
Gurudeva is Destroyer
Guru is the absolute Lord himself
Salutations to that Sri Guru
मनोबुद्ध्यहङ्कार चित्तानि नाहं
न च श्रोत्रजिह्वे न च घ्राणनेत्रे ।
न च व्योम भूमिर्न तेजो न वायुः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम्
Cittaani Naaham
Na Ca Shrotra-Jihve
Na Ca Ghraanna-Netre
Na Ca Vyoma Bhuumir
Na Tejo Na Vaayuh
Shivoham Shivoham
I am not the Mind
the Intelligence or Ego
I am not the Ears
Tongue, Nose or Eyes
I am not the Sky, the Earth
the Fire or the Air,
I am Shiva!
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.
न च प्राणसंज्ञो न वै पञ्चवायुः
न वा सप्तधातुः न वा पञ्चकोशः ।
न वाक्पाणिपादं न चोपस्थपायु
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम्
Na Ca Praanna-Sangyo
Na Vai Pancha-Vaayuh
Na Vaa Sapta-Dhaatuh
Na Vaa
Na Vaak-Paanni-Paadam
Na Copastha-Paayu
Shivoham Shivoham
I am not the Prana
nor the Five Vital Airs,
I am not the Seven Dhatus
or the Five Sheaths
I am not the organs of Speech
Hands, Feet or Excretion,
I am Shiva!
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.
न मे द्वेषरागौ न मे लोभमोहौ
मदो नैव मे नैव मात्सर्यभावः ।
न धर्मो न चार्थो न कामो न मोक्षः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम्
Na Me Dvessa-Raagau
Na Me Lobha-Mohau
Mado Naiva Me Naiva
Maatsarya-Bhaavah |
Na Dharmo Na Ca-Artho
Na Kaamo Na Mokssah
Shivoham Shivoham
I have no Hatred or Attachment
Neither Greed nor Infatuation,
I have no Pride, Envy or Jealousy,
I am Not within the bounds of Dharma
Wealth, Kama Desire and Liberation
(the four Purusarthas of life)
I am Shiva!
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.
न पुण्यं न पापं न सौख्यं न दुःखं
न मन्त्रो न तीर्थं न वेदा न यज्ञाः ।
अहं भोजनं नैव भोज्यं न भोक्ता
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम्
Na Punnyam Na Paapam
Na Saukhyam Na Duhkham
Na Mantro Na Teertham
Na Vedaa Na Yajnyaah |
Aham Bhojanam Naiva
Bhojyam Na Bhoktaa
Shivoham Shivoham
I am not bound by Merits or Sins
by Joys or by Sorrows,
I am not bound by Sacred Hymns
Sacred Places, Sacred Scriptures or by Sacrifices,
I am Neither Enjoyment (Experience)
nor an object to be Enjoyed (Experienced)
nor the Enjoyer (Experiencer)
I am Shiva!
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.
न मृत्युर्न शङ्का न मे जातिभेदः
पिता नैव मे नैव माता न जन्मः ।
न बन्धुर्न मित्रं गुरुर्नैव शिष्यं
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम्
Na Mrtyur Na Shanka
Na Mai Jaati Bhedah
Pita Naiva Me Naiva
Mata Na Janmah
Na Badhur Na Mitram
Gurur Naiva Shisyam
Chid Ananada Rupah
Shivoham Shivoham
I am not bound by death
fear or by caste distinctions
I don't have a father or mother
nor do I have birth
No relatives, no friends
no teacher or student
I am Shiva!
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.
अहं निर्विकल्पो निराकाररूपो
विभुत्वाच्च सर्वत्र सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम्
न चासङ्गतं नैव मुक्तिर्न मेयः
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम्
Aham Nirvikalpo
Vibhu-Tvaacca Sarvatra
Na Caa-Sanggatam Naiva
Muktir na Meyah
Shivoham Shivoham
I am Without any Variation
and Without any Form,
I am Present Everywhere as the
underlying Substratum of everything
and behind all Sense Organs,
Neither do I get Attached to anything
nor get Freed from anything,
I am Shiva!
The Ever Pure Blissful Consciousness.